Listened to a powerful sermon on "The Reliability of the Bible," preached by Lon Solomon of McLean Bible Church this morning. Definitely worth your time! Click here to listen.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Little Light(ling) Reading
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3:25 PM
Labels: For the Toolbox
$25 Holy Land Tour
Each of the almost forty articles features a gorgeous cover photo, followed by an informative “Did You Know” section supplied by a skilled tour guide, and “Reflections” by the authors, who share their devotional thoughts in a warm, personal style.
The writing style strikes a perfect balance: transitioning from the historical information to the intimate devotional thoughts is never jarring. And it is a compelling style. From the very beginning I was captivated: as in her introduction Eva described reaching out her hand to touch what may have been soot from Joshua’s fire at Hazor I could feel the coolness of the stone.
The centerpiece of the book is the gorgeous photography. There is none of the dry, matter-of-fact images from far too many textbooks. These pictures are alive. The colors are vibrant and the composition draws you into every scene. Particularly exciting for me were the pictures of some of the animals that are mentioned in the Bible, such as rock coneys, and wild goats at En-Gedi.
Pastors will find the background information to be extraordinarily profitable. Reading the historical vignettes while looking at the actual locales will enrich your sermons and lessons, as you are now able to picture the places you are seeking to describe. And everyone will appreciate the quiet moments of reflection that the authors allow us to share.
Get this book. Integrate it into your sermon and lesson prep. Make it a part of your daily quiet times. It will be money – and time – well-spent.
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2:33 PM
Labels: For the Toolbox
Thursday, November 20, 2008
"After a survey of the alleged errors and discrepancies, including not only the typical ones just mentioned, but also many others, we assert, without fear of successful contradiction, that no one of these is real. As Christians we call this book the "Holy Bible." But if it were only a relatively good book, setting forth many valuable moral and spiritual truths, but also containing many things which are not true, we would then have no right to apply to it the adjective "holy." It would then be on a level with other books, and would differ from them not in kind but only in degree.
"But how different is our attitude toward it when we approach it as the very word of God, an inspired, infallible rule of faith and practice! How readily we accept its statements of fact and bow before its enunciations of duty! How instinctively we tremble before its threatenings, and rest upon its promises! As we proclaim the word of life from the pulpit, or in the classroom; as we attempt to give comfort at some bed of sickness, or in a bereaved home; or as we see our fellow men struggling against temptation or weighed down with care, and would give them encouragement and hope for this world and the next, how thankful we then are for a fully trustworthy Bible! In such cases we want to know that we have not merely something that is probable or plausible, but something that is sure."
Posted by
9:03 AM
Labels: In Defense of Defending
Where Have You Gone, B.B. Warfield?
Debunked theories have a tendency to move
Yeah, right. And Whoopi Goldberg will host it.
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8:38 AM
Labels: In Defense of Defending
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Welcome to the 21st Century . . . There's Just One Catch
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9:12 AM
Labels: The Real Reality