Friday, July 10, 2009

Who Cares?

Came across a new religious phenomenon today. From Wikipedia:

"Apatheism (a portmanteau of apathy and theism/atheism), also known as pragmatic or critically as practical atheism, is acting with apathy, disregard, or lack of interest towards belief, or lack of belief in a deity. Apatheism describes the manner of acting towards a belief or lack of a belief in a deity; so applies to both theism and atheism. An apatheist is also someone who is not interested in accepting or denying any claims that gods exist or do not exist. In other words, an apatheist is someone who considers the question of the existence of gods as neither meaningful nor relevant to his or her life."

And from

"Every religion has dogma, and insists that their particular version answers the question of whether one or more gods exist. Apatheists insist that the question itself is irrelavent.

"If you get frustrated trying to decide if you're really an Atheist or an Agnostic, or a member of any other religion, and also realize that, in your day to day existence, it doesn't really MATTER which religion you belong to, then you might be an Apatheist!"

More commentary later.

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