Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bible Study at Warp 10

You've been there. You have a Sunday school lesson to prepare and 1,001 other things to do this week as well. And, let's be honest, the same holds true for those preparing Sunday morning sermons as well. You've just settled in with your favorite commentary and a good cup of coffee, and the phone rings. A young couple in the church is having their first big fight. Sermon prep gets pushed aside as you address the next crisis in line.

Most of us have two choices, really: either you do your best to squeeze study in around everything else, or you try to convince the flock that they're not being neglected as you squeeze everything else in around study. Some take a third choice--sacrifice the family; but that's not a Biblical choice so let's PLEASE drop it off our radar.

There is another option, though. You can concentrate your Bible study during the time that you do have. That is exactly what Logos Bible study software enables you to do. If you only have an hour here and there, use the FULL hour studying, rather than hunting books, trying to remember where you read this or that quote, turning pages, bouncing back and forth to an index, and shuffling books and papers around to make room on your desk.
I was one of those bibliophiles who swore that I would never switch to electronic books. But I cannot tell you how thankful I am that I did. Now I have access to more books in less time, and my study time is concentrated, allowing me to prepare higher-quality meals for the sheep.
Stop by the Logos web site and check out the demo videos. Yes, the packages are pricey, but as the old saying goes, "You can make more money; you can't make more time."

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