Saturday, November 3, 2007

Butchering Longhorns

Chuck Swindoll posted an excellent comment on Longhorn Sermons on his blog "The Pastor's Soul". Here's a quick exerpt. Be sure to check out the entire post.

"There are all kinds of sermons: topical sermons, biographical sermons, expository sermons . . . and longhorn sermons—a point here, and a point there, and a lot of bull in between! It’s easy to preach those kinds of sermons, isn’t it?
A mentor of mine told me about the time he worked for an older pastor who used to come to the pulpit unprepared. So he would try to prepare during the song service. “Lord, give me something to say,” he’d pray. “Give me Your message.” After another song he’d ask again, “Lord, give me Your message.” Every Sunday it happened.
“One day,” the pastor said, “the Lord finally gave me His message. God told me, ‘Ralph, you’re lazy. That’s my message.’”
To be blunt, the issue of pastoral sloth is one of the major battles we must fight as pastors. It breeds longhorns."

1 comment:

Rodney said...

Thanks for pointing me to Swindoll's blog! I'm afraid I have preached some Longhorn sermons in my time!