Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Favorite Preachin' Bible

In our "Bible DIY" category, I wanted to show you my new favorite Bible. A couple of months ago Cambridge, the Aston-Martin of Bible publishers, came out with their first NASB Wide-Margin Bible. My understanding is that Pastor Mark Minnick from Mt. Calvary Baptist, as well as some other pastors, had a great deal of input into the new design features such as thicker paper and a wider margin. This is a Bible for serious study -- built to last under heavy use. It's fairly pricey (I found Amazon has the cheapest list price now), but with the top-quality leather and hand stitched, lay-flat binding, you get what you pay for. Some may find the print a bit small (if you're familiar with Cambridge Bibles, they used their Pitt-Minion typeface). My biggest problem has been adjusting to the paragraph format. Takes some getting used to when you grew up Old Scofield like I did, but the clarity and precision of the NASB makes it well worth the effort.
I've found that, with proper care, a Uni-Ball Signo Micro 207 gel pen does really well for clean, bold marking on Cambridge's paper.

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